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1. 強烈颱風蘇力來勢洶洶,教育部呼籲各級學校做好防颱準備,要密切注意大雨或土石流警戒特報,視情況做好財務安置及人員撤離,另外,部分位於低窪地區、容易淹水的學校及館所,要把重要設備、器材、物品,搬移到安全的空間,避免不必要的損失。

Strong typhoon Sully is advancing Taiwan. The Ministry of Education calls for the preparation of all schools and the awareness for any alerts of heavy rain or mudslides. Retreat and relocation must be properly executed according to the situation. Also, geographically low areas and easily flooded schools should move important equipment and items to a safer space to prevent unnecessary losses.

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